Primary English
English Wiz - Unique features of English Wiz from Grade Aid Learning
- Support throughout school - Kindergarten to Young Adult
- Specifically designed for Canadian primary and secondary students
- For all levels of ability - struggling, average and gifted
- Helpful for migrant parents wanting to improve their English skills
- More than 200 lessons and activities
English Wiz: Primary
This is a unique Canadian tutoring system which can support your child throughout
primary school. It is interactive and fun. Kids just love to use it.
- Beginner reading for the crucial early years of school
- Combines reading, listening, learning and playing
- Phonics activities for reading and spelling
- The alphabet
Phonics Challenge

"Phonics Challenge" is a word game which teaches how to blend three sounds together
to make a word. The voice reads the letter sounds and the word and the child picks
out the letters on the phonics keyboard. The keys make the sound of the letter.
Suitable three letter words are randomly generated.
English Wiz: Primary
Your children can learn gradually, at their own pace, through practice and exploration
of the ideas introduced in the lessons.
- Spelling
- Vocabulary
- Sentence Building
- Phonics
- Grammar
- Reading and Comprehension
How do you know whether a child is taking in the meaning of what they are reading?
In English Wiz, we make the sentences interactive - the student has to drag and
drop a part of a sentence or word, to make it fit in with the meaning. So they really
do have to think about what they are reading.

Keep track of your child's performance
Very extensive reporting is available - your child's results are automatically recorded
and kept permanently on your computer. English Wiz displays an analysis of all results.

Runs on all recent Windows operating systems including Windows 98, Windows 2000,
Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. A minimum of 128MB RAM, 4MB VGA Card, 1.2GB
Hard Drive space available, Sound Card and Speakers or Headphones.
An online version of the program is available for Apple Mac computers, for more
information please discuss this with one of our consultants.
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