English Wiz - Unique features of English Wiz from Grade Aid Learning
- Support throughout school - Kindergarten to Adult
- Specifically designed for Canadian Primary and Secondary Students
- For all Levels of ability - struggling, average and gifted
- Helpful for migrant parents wanting to improve their English skills
- More than 200 lessons and activities
English Wiz is a unique and innovative program. It is the leading English Language
software dedicated to helping Canadian Secondary School students of all levels build
up the skills they need in class.
English Wiz: Secondary
English Wiz helps you to write with improved grammar, correct spelling, proper punctuation
and more interesting sentences. All tutorials have recorded commentaries to help
your children understand and make learning more enjoyable.
- Comprehension
- Spelling
- Grammar
- Creative Writing
- Punctuation
Comprehension and Text Response

Secondary students tend to struggle with tasks given for English homework because
they have never really been taught how to do a comprehension task. How can you write
about a news item in the paper, when your comprehension skills are not strong and
the subject and vocabulary are unfamiliar?
We introduce students to comprehension with anecdotes about familiar situations,
so that they can develop their skills within their comfort zone.

Oddly enough, grammar exercises are often not covered in the secondary school curriculum,
yet students are penalized for bad grammar in essays. English Wiz helps you avoid
commonly made mistakes.
English Wiz: Upper Secondary
The Upper Secondary section in the English Wiz Series from Grade Aid Learning is
designed to bring your child's writing skills up to the standard required to succeed
in Senior School.
- Spelling dictation tests
- Comprehension
- Writing Style
- Poetry Analysis
- Grammar
The emphasis is on achieving a high standard in writing and comprehension skills.
We are now applying the skills touched on in the Lower Secondary program, to more
demanding situations. The student is asked to listen to the teacher, and think carefully
about the exercise.

Lessons are still in the same easy to use format, but are at a higher level with
an emphasis on understanding the structure of language. This helps with writing
essays and text analyses. In school, marks are lost if grammar and writing style
are not up to standard.

Keep track of your child's performance
Very extensive reporting is available - your child's results are automatically recorded
and kept permanently on your computer. English Wiz displays an analysis of all results.

Runs on all recent Windows operating systems including Windows 98, Windows 2000,
Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. A minimum of 128MB RAM, 4MB VGA Card, 1.2GB
Hard Drive space available, Sound Card and Speakers or Headphones.
An online version of the program is available for Apple Mac computers, for more
information please discuss this with one of our consultants.
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